A method for manufacturing a medical implant material porous tantalum. A slurry is made from aqueous polyvinyl alcohol and tantalum powder, then poured into an organic foam, soaked until pores in the organic foam are filled with the tantalum powder slurry, and dried for dehydration, and then a degreasing treatment is conducted under the protection of an inert gas to remove polyvinyl alcohol and the organic foam. A porous sintered body is acquired by sintering in vacuum, cooled, annealed in vacuum, and subjected to a regular post-processing to acquire porous tantalum. The sintering has the steps of: at a degree of vacuum between 10-4 Pa and 10-3 Pa, heated to 1800°C at a rate of 10°C/min, kept warm for 240 min, cooled along with a furnace to 300°C, then heated to 1800°C at a rate of 10°C/min, kept warm for 180 min, heated to a temperature between 2000°C and 2200°C at a rate of 10°C/min, and kept warm for 360 min. A heat processing is done at a degree of vacuum between 10-4 Pa and 10-3 Pa, heated to 800°C at a rate of 20°C/min, kept warm for 240 min, cooled to 400°C at a rate of 2°C/min, kept warm for 300 min, and then cooled with the furnace to room temperature. The porous tantalum material manufactured has great biocompatibility and safety, greatly increased strength in mechanical property, and is highly applicable for use in substituting bone tissues of load-bearing parts of the human body.Linvention porte sur un procédé pour la fabrication dun tantale poreux pour matériau dimplant médical. Une suspension épaisse est formée à partir de poly(alcool vinylique) en solution aqueuse et de poudre de tantale, puis elle est versée dans une mousse organique, imprégnée jusquà ce que les pores présents dans la mousse organique soient remplis de la suspension épaisse de poudre de tantale et séchée pour la déshydrater et ensuite un traitement de dégraissage est effectué sous la protection dun gaz inerte pour enlever le poly(alcool vinylique) et la mousse organique. Un corps fri