< Topic >To deep part under the skin of the body the effect is brought deeply by making the far infrared line wire wavelength and the far infrared line wire of emission has been emitted from the human body outside emit which resonance operation is caused, the thermal remedy vessel which makes the temperature 42.5 emit which becomes extinct the cancer/gun cell to the affected part is offered.SolutionsThe far infrared line wire radiator is locked in the chuck equipped crust of a. From the chest it winds this local thermal remedy vessel around the abdomen and locks and it is the remedy instrument. Fixed manner adjusts locks with the contractile belt of 5 where it passes through the belt stop of 4. As for the adjustment of temperature from the Tip of remedy vessel A the heat regulation controller is installed in center of the extended belt of power code, 3 inserting operates plug 1 of the Tip to the power source opening. Furthermore, the chest, the abdomen it winds extensively and it makes the seat futon type local thermal remedy vessel of B manipulate simultaneously from local thermal remedy vessel, A and the anus place which are emitted as the combination type local thermal remedy vessel which internal extensively it remedies it is good.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】人体から放射している遠赤外線波長と共振作用を起こす外部放射の遠赤外線を放射させることにより、身体の皮膚下深部まで深達効果をもたらし、患部にガン細胞を死滅させる温度42.5℃を放射させる温熱治療器を提供する。【解決手段】遠赤外線放射体は、aのチャック付き外皮の中に固定される。この局所温熱治療器は胸部から腹部周辺に巻き付け固定しての治療器具である。固定方法は4のベルト止めを通した5の収縮ベルトで調節固定する。温度の調節は治療器Aの先端から電源コード3の延長線の中間に温度調節コントローラーが取り付けてあり、先端のプラグ1を電源口に差し込み作動させる。さらに、胸部、腹部全面に巻き付け放射する局所温熱治療器Aと、肛門箇所よりBの座布団式局所温熱治療器を同時に操作させ、内蔵全面に治療する組み合わせ式局所温熱治療器としても良い。【選択図】図1