This invention as the use impression of the artificial leg which utilizes the hydraulic cylinder and the spring cylinder in like the air pressure cylinder is made comfortable, offers the technology which improves also walking following characteristic. With this invention, arrangement of the drag occurrence expedient itself such as the hydraulic cylinder and the spring cylinder it specifies. The resistance which drag occurrence expedient occurs with that, attendant upon the increase of knee angle is enlarged. The 2nd torque T2 in the 2nd stage of the crookedness end to which the 1st torque T1 in the crookedness early 1st stage of the knee joint is small, crookedness of the knee joint furthermore advances is enlarged. Unlike any present things, it makes T1 T2, lightens the burden of crotch joint muscle of the artificial leg user.この発明は、油圧シリンダやバネシリンダを利用した義足の使用感を空圧シリンダ並みに快適にするとともに、歩行追従性をも向上させる技術を提供する。この発明では、油圧シリンダやバネシリンダといった抗力発生手段自体の配置を特定する。それによって、膝角度の増大に伴って抗力発生手段が生じる抵抗を大きくする。膝関節の屈曲初期の第1段階における第1のトルクT1が小さく、膝関節の屈曲がさらに進んだ屈曲終期の第2段階における第2のトルクT2を大きくする。今までのものとは異なり、T1≦T2にし、義足使用者の股関節筋の負担を軽減する。