A collapsible support and shopping walker is based on the same structural principle used with four legged camping chairs. Eight lightweight tubes of equal length pivot in eight corner supports forming four cross braces. This four-sided arrangement or cage can then flex in one direction from being fully collapsed to fully extended. Flexible fabric is attached across four corners to this cage allowing it to open about half-way between the collapsed state and full extension. The suspended flexible fabric can now be used as a seat. Collapsible diagonal supports made of four aluminum members of equal length, hinged at each end, form a “spider” which provides stability and enables easy opening and closing of the cage by moving the spider head up and down like an umbrella. In order to provide a stable chair or walker the spider must be lockable with the seat in the open position. This is arranged by letting the spider over toggle or go over its opening tipping point which stretches the fabric fully and tightens all the joints of the chair.