Gene construction includes the coding nucleic acid of bacterial fructose transferase, including the single gene cell constructed by this gene, and the method of dealing with the biosynthesis of fructonic acid in plant photosymbiotic cells.
Genetic Construct capable of manipulating fructan biosynthesis in Photosynthetic cells of a plant that includes a promoter operably linked to a Nucleic Acid encoding a Enzyme FBacterial Cell t; transgenic plant with modified fructan biosynthesis or increase of biomass of a Plant ControlThat includes the genetic construct and Method for manipulating the fructan biosynthesis.<;p>;Constructo gené;tico capaz de manipular la biosí;ntesis de fructano en las cé;lulas fotosinté;ticas de una planta que incluye un promotor unido operativamente a un á;cido nucleico que codifica una enzima FT bacteriana; cé;lula de planta transgé;nica con biosí;ntesis de fructano modificada o aumento de biomasa respecto de una planta control, que incluye dicho constructo gené;tico; y mé;todo para manipular la biosí;ntesis de fructano.<;/p>;