A bale wrapping apparatus for both inline and individual bale wrapping isdescribedherein. The bale wrapping apparatus includes a bale wrapping mechanismconfiguredto carry a plastic film around a bale when the bale is positioned in a balewrappingspace of the bale wrapping mechanism. The bale wrapping mechanism includes atleastone movable tine that is configured to extend into the bale wrapping space tosupportthe bale in the bale wrapping space when the bale wrapping apparatus isconfigured forinline bale wrapping and is movable out of the bale wrapping space when thebalewrapping apparatus is configured for individual bale wrapping. The balewrappingapparatus also includes two powered rollers for supporting and rotating thebale in thebale wrapping space during individual bale wrapping. The two powered rollersaremovable to configure the bale wrapping apparatus for inline bale wrapping.