The invention relates to a process for increasing the value of a very moist product containing a nutritive material associated with a large proportion of water, and also covers the product produced by this process. The moist product (2) is introduced with a metered quantity of dry pulverulent material (3) based on cereal flour at the upstream end of an extrusion machine (1) comprising at least two interacting screws (11, 12) driven in rotation inside a barrel (10) comprising means (16) for heating the entrained material and equipped at its downstream end with an extrusion die (14) and, inside the barrel (10), a homogeneous mixture is produced of the moist product (2) with the pulverulent material (3), with simultaneous cooking of the nutritive material and the cereal flour in the water provided by the moist product, the cooked mixture (6) being extruded via the die placed at the downstream end of the barrel. The invention may be applied to increasing the value of vegetable waste such as potato peelings or fish waste. <IMAGE>