The present invention relates to a method for producing insect feed. The insect feed contains 100 parts by weight of a main raw ingredient obtained by fermenting a mixture of oak sawdust and water. Additionally, a raw feed ingredient is produced by the following steps: preparing, with respect to 100 parts by weight of the main raw ingredient, 10-20 parts by weight of a BM microbial composite enzyme as a fermentation agent, 5-10 parts by weight of at least one selected among chaff or rice straw prepared after going through drying and pulverization processes, 4 parts by weight of rice bran (rice germ), 2-3 parts by weight of red clay, 1.5-2 parts by weight of milk, and 1-2 parts by weight of whole soybean flour obtained by extracting bean pods and then drying the same; mixing the ingredients listed in the previous step along with 1 part by weight of unrefined sugar; and fermenting the same for 20-50 days.본 발명은 곤충 사료 제조방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명은, 참나무 톱밥과 물이 혼합 발효된 곤충 사료의 주된 원료 100 중량부를 포함하고; 상기 주된 원료 100 중량부 대비, 발효제인 BM 복합미생물효소 10~20 중량부, 건조시킨 후 분쇄된 볏짚 또는 왕겨 중 선택된 어느 하나가 5~10 중량부, 미강(쌀눈) 4 중량부, 황토 2~3 중량부, 우유 1.5~2 중량부, 콩 껍질에서 추출하여 건조한 전지 대두분 1~2 중량부; 및 흑설탕 1 중량부를 혼합한 사료 원료를 20일~50일 발효시켜 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다.