A method for controlling an electronic acupuncture and moxibustion device by using a smart phone includes the following steps. The smart phone is electrically connected to the electronic acupuncture and moxibustion device. An electronic acupuncture and moxibustion soft ware is inputted into the smart phone for controlling the electronic acupuncture and moxibustion device to output pre-set intensity and frequency according to the treating acupuncture point. The electronic acupuncture and moxibustion device is capable of sensing the treating acupuncture point and getting the acupuncture information from the acupuncture point for adjusting the operating time, the operating intensity and the stop timing. As a result, the operator can easily and safely acupuncture himself/herself by using a smart phone.一種利用智慧型手機控制電子針灸裝置的方法,其較佳實施例主要包括:將一智慧型手機與一電子針灸裝置電性連接;載入一電子針灸控制軟體於智慧型手機執行,該電子針灸控制軟體係藉以控制電子針灸裝置之狀態;並且依照電子針灸之穴位療程需求,輸出預先設定之輸出強度與頻率;且令電子針灸裝置具有穴道資訊感應功能,以取得使用者穴道狀態即時資訊,以確定是否繼續進行電子針灸,或增加、減少電子針灸的時間;藉此, 俾可提供一種利用智慧型手機控制電子針灸裝置的方法,使用者操作上可輕鬆達成。10‧‧‧智慧型手機11‧‧‧觸控面板20‧‧‧電子針灸裝置21‧‧‧電子針灸作用部30‧‧‧電子針灸控制軟體31‧‧‧功能設定介面32‧‧‧穴位針灸資訊顯示操控介面325‧‧‧操作步驟導引說明33‧‧‧穴位針灸資料庫