Method for treating water to be treated in order to reduce its content inpollutantsliable to introduce an endocrine disrupting effect and/or a toxic and/orgenotoxic effect,said method comprising:- a step of adsorption in which said water to be treated is brought intocontact with aquantity of at least one adsorbent reagent producing a mixture of water andadsorbentreagent;- a step of liquid-solid separation of said mixture producing treated waterand sludge.According to the invention, said step of adsorption is preceded and/or saidstep ofliquid-solid separation is followed by a step for bringing said water to betreated and/or saidtreated water respectively into contact with at least one living aquaticorganism, the valueof at least one property of said living organism being correlated with aconcentration in saidpollutants of said water to be treated and/or said treated water;said method further comprising:- a step for continuously evaluating the value of said property;- a step for adjusting the quantity of adsorbent reagent mixed into thewater during saidstep of adsorption according to said value obtained at said step forevaluating.