Method Organ in a tomographic image received from a scanner magnetic resonance (MR), wherein the method comprises the steps of: receiving (102) one tomographic anatomical three-dimensional object image comprising a data set image of water and a set of image data of fat, each with a plurality of volume elements, providing (104) one prototype image comprising a data set of three dimensional images with a plurality of volume elements, wherein tag body is given to a subset of elements of volume, transforming (106) the prototype image by applying a strain field over the volume elements prototype image so that each element labeled volume for a current organ is determined that is equivalent to a site for a volume element in a corresponding organ in the target image, transferring (108) labels and lements labeled image volume prototype elements corresponding volume of the target image, where the volume elements labeled similarly in the target image define a volume organ representing a current body, extending (110) said volume organ to whole organ based on the properties in the target image, wherein the method further comprises the steps of calibrating the target image based organs labeled in the set of image data water, wherein a value of water is given each element of predetermined volume labeled in the target image, and subtracting that value from the value predetermined water fat labeling element volume in the set of image data of fat.Método de clasificación de órganos en una imagen tomográfica recibida a partir de un escáner de resonancia magnética (RM), en donde el método comprende las etapas de: recibir (102) una imagen objetivo, tomográfica, anatómica y tridimensional que comprende un conjunto de datos de imagen de agua y un conjunto de datos de imagen de grasa, cada uno con una pluralidad de elementos de volumen, proporcionar (104) una imagen prototipo que comprende un conjunto de datos de imágenes tridimensionales con una pluralidad de elementos de volumen, en donde