Packaged food product comprising a tray (2) containing an edible composition having a layered structure, comprising: - at least one mixed layer (24) comprising inflated cereal grains (G) embedded in a matrix of edible material (22), and - at least one layer of edible cover (26) deposited on said mixed layer (24), and preferably including chocolate; characterized in that the matrix of edible material (22) is formed by a substantially anhydrous composition having a water content not exceeding 2% by weight and comprising vegetable oil selected from sunflower oil, peanut oil, hazelnut oil, oil of palm and mixtures thereof, in an amount of 20% to 40% by weight, dried milk in an amount of 20% to 40% by weight, and sugars, particularly sucrose, in an amount of 25% to 45% in Weight, together with edible emulsifying agents and food flavoring agents, has a pasty consistency, determined by penetrometry, over the entire temperature range of 0 ° C to 40 ° C.Producto alimentario envasado que comprende una bandeja (2) que contiene una composición comestible que tiene una estructura en capas, que comprende: - al menos una capa mixta (24) que comprende granos de cereal inflados (G) incrustados en una matriz de material comestible (22), y - al menos una capa de cobertura comestible (26) depositada sobre dicha capa mixta (24), y que incluye preferiblemente chocolate; caracterizado porque la matriz de material comestible (22) está formada por una composición sustancialmente anhidra que tiene un contenido de agua no superior al 2% en peso y que comprende aceite vegetal seleccionado entre aceite de girasol, aceite de cacahuete, aceite de avellana, aceite de palma y mezclas de los mismos, en una cantidad del 20% al 40% en peso, leche deshidratada en una cantidad del 20% al 40% en peso, y azúcares, particularmente sacarosa, en una cantidad del 25% al 45% en peso, junto con agentes emulsionantes comestibles y aromatizantes alimentarios, tiene una consistencia pastosa, determinada mediante p