In the early stage of the virus treatment, interferon which is insufficient in the human body is supplemented with injections, and medicines are taken to lightly repair the damaged host cells and improve the circulatory system of the host tissues to restore the host cell function so that interferon binds to the host cell receptor, And the interferon is induced in the human body to induce the production of an amount necessary for the binding of the host tissue cell receptor, and the lymphocyte recirculation is performed well, and the virus is inhibited to such an extent that the virus can not be detected to produce a specific virus antibody.바이러스치료초기 인체에 부족한 인터페론을 주사제로 보충하고 한약을 복용하여 가볍게 손상된 숙주세포 치유와 숙주조직순환장애 개선하여 숙주세포기능을 회복하여 인터페론이 숙주세포 수용체 결합이 잘되게하여 바이러스를 억제하며 면역세포기능회복하여 인체에서 인터페론이 숙주조직세포 수용체 결합이 필요한 량을 유도 산생되게하며 림프세포 재순환이 잘되게하여 바이러스가 검출되지 않을 정도로 억제되여 특정바이러스 항체 산생되게 한다.