The invention relates to a patch-type electronic device which adheres to the skin of the maternal womb or in the chest of the infant with the ability to monitor heart rate, temperature, and respiration, thereby sending alerts to mobile devices connected through wireless communication system (Bluetooth). Said device aims to be an aid in the prevention of deaths caused by factors that compromise the life of the conception product, which consists of 3 sensors: breathing, temperature, and electrocardiogram. Said sensors allow monitoring the heart rate of the fetus from week 14 of gestation, detecting anomalies, and sending alerts to mobile devices thus allowing the physician to intervene for saving the life in question immediately. In case of younger infants, the device continuously monitors the heart rate, respiration, and temperature, thus sending alerts in case of anomalies which compromise the health of the infant for preventing the death. The device communicates wirelessly with mobil e devices by a wireless communication system (Bluetooth) and a mobile application, thus generating historical data on the behavior of the vital signs of the conception product for later evaluation and generating early diagnoses.Dispositivo de electrónica tipo parche que se adhiere a la piel del vientre materno y/o en el pecho del lactante menor con capacidad de monitorear ritmo cardíaco, temperatura y respiración, enviando alertas a dispositivos móviles conectados a través del sistema de comunicación inalámbrica (Bluetooth), para ayudar en la prevención de muertes causadas por factores que ponen en riesgo la vida del producto de la concepción, el cual consta de 3 sensores Respiración, temperatura y electrocardiograma. Con ellos, se puede monitorear ritmo cardíaco del bebe desde la semana 14 de gestación y detectar anomalías, enviar alertas a dispositivos móviles, y así el médico pueda intervenir inmediatamente para salvar la vida en cuestión. En caso de lactantes menores, el dispositiv