Nanoparticulate compositions are disclosed. The nanoparticulate compositionstypically include at least one, preferably two or more, active agent(s), oneof which is animmunomodulatory compound, loaded into, attached to the surface of, and/orenclosedwithin a delivery vehicle. The delivery vehicles can be nanolipogels includinga polymericcore and a lipid shell or a biodegradable polymeric nanoparticle such as aPLGAnanoparticle. Typically, at least one of the active agents is apimmunomodulator thatincreases an immune stimulatory response or decreases an immune suppressiveresponse.In some embodiments, the particle includes both an immunomodulator thatincreases animmune stimulatory response and an immunomodulator that decreases an immunesuppressive response. The particles can be decorated with a targeting moietythat improvesdelivery to a target cell. Methods of using the compositions to enhance animmuneresponse and treat diseases such as cancer are also disclosed.