The invention provides a mask which prevents a heating element that heats a water-containing body from directly touching the face. The mask (1) includes a mask body (2), a water-containing body (3) and a heating element (4) for heating the water-containing body (3), and the water-containing body (3) and the heating body (4) are raised from the face side The hydrated body (3) and the heating body (4) are arranged in the mask body (2) in sequence, and the hydrated body (3) has a size covering the heating part (44) of the heating body (4).本發明提供一種防止加熱含水體的發熱體直接碰到面部的口罩。口罩(1)包括口罩本體(2)、包含水分的含水體(3)及加熱含水體(3)的發熱體(4),並且含水體(3)及發熱體(4)以自面部側起依序為含水體(3)、發熱體(4)的方式設置於口罩本體(2),含水體(3)具有覆蓋發熱體(4)的發熱部分(44)的大小。