[Problem] To transport food products or the like at a low temperature and treat same. [Solution] In the present invention, by switching between different power supplies for a low-current high-voltage generation device, low-temperature storage can be performed using the same electric-field treatment device start-to-finish. Using a conventional electric-field treatment device, redundant capital investment can be eliminated and low-temperature non-frozen physical distribution can be implemented start-to-finish in the same temperature environment and using the same electric-field treatment device from transport of high-mix low-volume foodstuffs from the area of production or a processing center to terminal storage (provision for consumption or foodstuff delivery) and used with a reusable-container system. The present invention uses a reusable-container system whereby redundant capital investment for electric-field treatment, transport, and storage can be eliminated and low-temperature non-frozen physical distribution can be implemented start-to-finish at the same temperature and using the same electric-field treatment device from the transport of high-mix low-volume foodstuffs from the area of production or a processing center to terminal storage. Foods or the like are protected from shifting, collapse, and vibration from above, below, in front, behind, the left, or the right.