Method for controlling contamination of seafood or Edible products from bacteria, yeast and / or Moulds, which comprises applying a composition containing aqueous Bromine Microbicide (div.sol. 75 - 2008)
Ultraviolet light stabilized antimicrobial compositions are formed from (A) and (B). (A) is (I) a solid-state microbiocidal compound having at least one bromine atom in the molecule; (II) an aqueous solution or slurry of (I); (III) is a concentrated aqueous antimicrobial composition having a dissolved active bromine content derived from (i) BrCl or BrCl and Br2 and (ii) overbased alkali metal sulfamate and/or sulfamic acid, alkali metal base, and water, (IV) solids made by dewatering a composition of (III). (B) is a ultraviolet light degradation-inhibiting amount of up to one part by weight of ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and/or an edible water-soluble salt/ester thereof per part by weight of bromine in the selected antimicrobial composition. Preparation and uses of such compositions are described. Methods of controlling contamination of seafood and seafood products by pathogens are also described.METODO PARA CONTROLAR CONTAMINACION DE MARISCOS Y PESCADOS O PRODUCTOS DE MARISCOS O PESCADOS COMESTIBLES, CON BACTERIAS, LEVADURAS Y/O MOHOS QUE COMPRENDE APLICAR UNA COMPOSICION MICROBICIDA ACUOSA EN BASE A BROMO ACTIVO (DIVISIONAL DE SOL. 75-2008).