Problem to be solved: to clean the bowl part of the toilet bowl without diluting with flash water, and to prevent dirt from passing through the flush, it is excellent in the anti fouling effect, and it provides a cleaner for the toilet bowl with high cleaning effect and high cleaning effect.Cleaning agent for toilet bowl made of composition that emits chlorine dioxide. It is used as a toilet removing agent and antifouling agent, and is effective for removal of mold, antibacterial, deodorizing, virus cleaning agent for toilet bowl. The source of chlorine dioxide is preferably hydrochloric acid and acid.It is preferred that it is used for the cleaning of the toilet bowl with an openable stool lid and is installed on the bowl portion side of the toilet lid of the toilet bowl, the bowl surface of the toilet bowl, or the rim portion of the toilet bowl, and is installed in the bowl portion side of the toilet lid of the toilet bowl.No selection【課題】フラシュ水で希釈しなくても便器のボウル部の洗浄が簡便にでき、フラッシュ水の通過しない部分も防汚効果に優れる、汚れ除去作用及び防汚作用が高く、優れた洗浄効果を奏する便器用洗浄剤の提供。【解決手段】二酸化塩素を放出させる組成物からなる、便器用洗浄剤。便器の汚れ除去剤及び防汚剤として使用され、除カビ、抗菌、消臭、ウイルス除去に効果ある、便器用洗浄剤。前記二酸化塩素の発生源が、亜塩酸塩及び酸であることが好ましい。開閉可能な便蓋を有する便器の洗浄に使用され、前記便器の便蓋のボウル部側、前記便器のボウル部表面、又は前記便器のリム部に設置され、前記便器の便蓋のボウル部側に設置して使用されることが好ましい。【選択図】なし