Попов Юрий Иванович (RU),Попов Михаил Юрьевич (RU),Попов Иван Юрьевич (RU)
The technical result is to simplify the structure, increasing the harvest of crops, improved performance, lower fuel consumption. Trailed plow-subsoiler for subsurface soil treatment includes a frame with fixed thereon working bodies, musculoskeletal transport wheels provided with a mechanism for their transfer from the working to the transport position, wherein, the wheel transfer mechanism from working position to transport position includes a hydraulic cylinder connected in the technological sequence a lever support-wheel vehicles, in addition to a trailer frame is connected, secured in the front frame part. The frame is formed as a central supporting rod, the front part of which is attached to the trailer and the rear of the wedge are secured the left and right bearing wings connected by a rear bearing beam, with the left and right bearing wings and rear bearing beams form a triangle shape, a rear carrying bar over its entire length at a certain distance from each other fasteners attached additional working organs (harrows, rollers, hoeing plows, harrows needle and others) furthermore supporting-transport cola and interconnected n-shaped all-metal frame, on which the keeper rigidly attached a lever movably connected to the hydraulic cylinder, furthermore n-shaped all-metal frame is adjustably connected to the central carrying beam and the left and right bearing wings furthermore to the frame at the bottom of the left and right bearing wings by bolting fixed main parts - removable glubokoryhlyaschie bezotvalnoj paws.Техническим результатом является упрощение конструкции, повышение сбора урожая сельскохозяйственных культур, повышение производительности, снижение расхода топлива. Прицепной плуг-глубокорыхлитель для безотвальной обработки почвы включает раму с закрепленными на ней рабочими органами, опорно-транспортные колеса, снабженные механизмом их перевода из рабочего в транспортное положение, при этом, механизм перевода колес из рабочего в транспортное положени