identification method of engineering materials and nanotechnology, is that on the surface or in the presence of engineering materials or nanotechnology to be identified production is eukariotycznej or prokariotycznej cell line and r \u00f3wnolegle leads to controlled breeding the same cells in standard conditions,using the same parameters in all cultures, it is temperature, fluid composition and atmosphere breeding farms.after the completion of culture cells on the surface or in the presence of amplified products and control cells amplified under standard conditions is lizaafter both cells cultured on the surface or in the presence of investigational products and with control cells cultured in standard conditions wyizolowuje to transkryptom and \/ or proteom and any method respectively transkryptomiki and \/ or proteomiki determines changes in the profile of tra nskryptomu and \/ or proteomu cells cultured on the surface or in the presence of the products in relation to kontrolnych cells cultured in standard conditions and shall record the response pattern. subsequently, to identify the product or material engineering nanotechnology production is the same cell line, respectively, on the surface or in his presence and parallel control breeding standard the same cell line.a record response cells cultured on the surface or in the presence of the product in contact with the product. this entry is then compared with previously established in the same form, the response of these cells cultured on or in the presence of various materials or nano engineered products and the result of the comparison identifies the test product.Sposób identyfikacji produktów inżynierii materiałowej lub nanotechnologii, polega na tym, że na powierzchni lub w obecności produktów inżynierii materiałowej lub nanotechnologii, które mają być identyfikowane prowadzi się hodowlę eukariotycznej lub prokariotycznej linii komórek i równolegle prowadzi się kontrolną hodowlę takich samych komórek w warunka