A juice of a fruit content or a dried fruit powder is put to improve an effect of a medicine or improve the taste or flavor. The input fruit can be pears, pineapples, pomegranates, blueberries, peaches, oranges, tangerines, coconuts, quinces, apples, grapefruits, melons, strawberries, grapes, bananas, cherries, plums, raspberries, mangoes, kiwis, oriental melons, watermelons, apricots, citrons, guavas, tropical fruits, prunes, cherries, persimmons, and wild berries. The types of the medicines are a jelly medicine and a drinkable medicine.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016(과일 )내용물의 즙액이나(과일)건조가루를 넣어 약의 효능을 높이거나 향이나 맛을 좋게 한다.들어가는 과일의 종류에는( 배,파인애플,석류,블루베리,복숭아,오렌지,귤,코코넛,모과,사과,자몽,멜론,딸기,포도,바나나,체리,매실,복분자,망고,키위,참외,수박,살구,유자,구아바,열대과일,자두,앵두,감,산딸기)가 있다.약의 종류에는 젤리 약,마시는 약이 있다.