Lupandina-Bolotova Galina Sergeevna (RU),Лупандина-Болотова Галина Сергеевна (RU),Maevskij Yurij Sergeevich (RU),Маевский Юрий Сергеевич (RU),Ignatov Dmitrij Andreevich (RU),Игнатов Дмитрий Андреевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to methods of habilitation and rehabilitation of children with imperfect osteogenesis and can be used for rehabilitation of children from the first year of life. A complex of therapeutic exercises consisting of five exercises performed with the help of a methodologist is performed with child for 10–15 minutes: 1st exercise: initial position (IP) – child is lying on back, methodologist with one hand connect arms and legs of child together, and with another hand holds child's head and shakes child from side to side and back and forth for 30 s; 2nd exercise: (IP) – the child is lying on the right side, the right hand of the child is set at a right angle to the body with the palm down, the methodologist bends the left leg of the child in the knee joint and puts it on the foot in front of the body, opposite the hip joint, the posture is fixed for 30 s, repeated by 5 times with each leg; 3rd exercise: (IP) – the child lies on the right side, the right hand of the child is set at right angle to the body, the methodologist bends the right leg of the child and pulls the knee as close as possible to the abdomen, then the methodologist removes the child into a support position on the elbow, holds the pelvis, straightens the child's support arm and takes it to a position resting on two hands in front of him, the posture is fixed for 30 s, repeated 5 times with each leg; 4th exercise: (IP) – the child is on all fours with the support on the palms and on the knees, the methodologist lowers the baby's pelvis on the heels, the left leg bent in the knee puts with support on the foot, then straightens the right leg of the child back and sets it in a straightened position resting on the fingers, controlling the axis of the spine, posture is fixed for 30 seconds, repeated 5 times with each leg; 5th exercise: (IP) – the child is on all fours, the methodologist's left leg is bent in the knee and brought under the pubic symph