This invention designates that oxygen absorptivity and adhesiveness and 2 liquid hardening die oxygen absorptive resin constituents which hold cohesion power are offered as purpose. This invention, the main medicine and the aliphatic series which consist of tetrahydro phthalic acid or that derivative or the tetrahydro phthalic anhydride or polyester poly all which includes that derivative as the raw materials and/or offers 2 liquid hardening die oxygen absorptive resin constituents which include the alicycle group isocyanate hardening agent component.本発明は酸素吸収性と接着性および凝集力を兼ね備えた2液硬化型酸素吸収性樹脂組成物を提供することを目的とする。本発明は、テトラヒドロフタル酸若しくはその誘導体又はテトラヒドロ無水フタル酸若しくはその誘導体を原料として含むポリエステルポリオールから成る主剤と、脂肪族及び/又は脂環族イソシアネート系硬化剤成分を含む2液硬化型酸素吸収性樹脂組成物を提供する。