This invention is about a method for manufacturing the fermented sour cabbage ice cream including primary fermentation、secondary fermentation and ice cream preparation. The invention uses lactobacillus to ferment cabbage and produce fermentation liquor to soften the fibers of the cabbage. And the fermentation of the lactobacillus can consume the lactose of the dairy production to avoid lactose intolerance patient suffering from diarrhea. Also, the protein of the dairy production can be acid decomposed into smaller molecules like peptide and amino acid, which contribute to intestinal tract’s nutrient absorption. On the other hand, after the uniformly mixed material including the sour cabbage、fermentation liquor、dairy production and etc are prepared into ice cream, it will be rich in total flavonoid and total phenolic. Therefore, the natural and healthy ice cream can benefit intestinal tract and improve mouthfeel。一種發酵酸白菜冰淇淋製成方法,其包括初次發酵、二次發酵、冰淇淋製備與成品所構成,該發明係利用乳酸菌的生物特性及發酵作用,讓白菜本身產生乳酸等酸性物質之發酵液,讓白菜組織纖維變柔軟,透過乳酸菌生長繁殖、增加乳酸菌數的發酵作用,乳酸菌又能消耗乳品中的乳糖,避免患乳糖不耐症的食用者產生拉肚子之情形,且乳品在乳酸量高或酸性的環境下,乳品中的蛋白質能酸解成分子較小之胜肽、胺基酸,有助於人體腸道之營養吸收,另一方面,均質攪拌後的酸白菜、發酵液、乳品等各物質,經冰淇淋製備後即可成為含有豐富的總黃酮類、活性總酚類及強抗氧化力之酸白菜冰淇淋成品,藉之,此發明係為天然、健康、低熱量及促進人體腸道順暢等多種效益的酸甜鹹冰品,改善冰品的食用口感、吸引消費者注意,繼以成為一相當符合其進步性之產品者。1‧‧‧初次發酵11‧‧‧白菜前處理12‧‧‧鹽水醃漬13‧‧‧乳酸發酵14‧‧‧打碎均質2‧‧‧二次發酵21‧‧‧乳品發酵22‧‧‧均質攪拌3‧‧‧冰淇淋製備4‧‧‧成品