FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: blood plasma glycated haemoglobin and lachrymal vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF are measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. There are derived a criterion R1 characterising an intensity of the macular oedema a criterion R2 characterising a degree of sensitivity threshold shift a criterion R3 reflecting a character of relations of retinal morphological structures describing an intensity of the oedema as shown by the criterion R1, and a degree of diabetes mellitus compensation criterion R4 reflecting the relation of the retinal morphological structures as shown by the criterion R1 and VEGF. The correlated relations of the criteria R1-R4 provide a basis to calculate Rcom that is an integral criterion of progression reflecting the developmental character and a risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy (DRP) and diabetic macular oedema (DMO). If Rcom≤0.07, a neuroproliferative stage is diagnosed, and a low risk of progression of DRP and DMO is predicted. If 0.07