A crutch holder for walking assistive devices includes a base adapted to be secured on a waist support of the walking assistive device. An angle adjust seat is pivotally mounted onto the base and a height adjust seat in movably mounted onto the angle adjust seat. The angle adjust seat is pivoted relative to the base for adjusting the sitting angle, the height adjust seat is longitudinally moved relative to the angel adjust seat for holding the crutches with different standards when the crutch is positioned on the height adjust seat and providing a sit mode.一種行動輔具之拐杖限位裝置,其主要係包括一底座,該底座係供裝設於一行動輔具之腰部支撐結構上;一樞設於底座上之擺動座以及一滑設於擺動座上之限位座。其中,當拐杖卡制限位於限位座後,且該行動輔具提供坐姿使用時,該擺動座可相對於底座往復旋擺,協助使用者調整坐姿之高低或仰角;而該限位座則可相對於擺動座作往復式直線滑移運動,藉以配合不同長度規格之拐杖使用,同時亦可利用限位座與擺動座特殊之旋轉與滑移動作,搭配拐杖而提供輔助身障者起身之功能。10‧‧‧行動輔具11‧‧‧腰部支撐結構20‧‧‧底座30‧‧‧擺動座40‧‧‧限位座