1. Feed additive for farm animals comprising the mother culture of the bacteria culture medium and water, characterized in that as a stock culture bacteria use a preformed solution of "EM Kurung" drug, and as the nutrient medium - maltose syrup in the following ratio , wt.%: 2. A method of producing a feed additive according to claim 1, comprising treating the culture medium with a solution of the drug "EM Kurung", characterized in that the first cook "EM Kurung" drug solution by dissolving 120 g of dry product "EM Kurung" in the skim milk solution, prepared by dissolving 1 kg of skimmed milk powder in 6 liters of water at 20-25 ° C, kept stirring for 7 days, then the solution is mixed with 30 liters of water at 30 ° C, was added 5 kg of skimmed milk powder and incubated at stirring for 3 days, then cooked "EM Kurung" drug solution was mixed with maltose syrup at a ratio (4.5-5.5) :( 1-1.5), respectively, and with water with a temperature of 30-35 ° C followed by aging for 20 days with stirring and poured into a finished product taru.3. A method for preparing feed for farm animals by mixing the bacteria culture with a nutrient medium, characterized in that the bacteria culture used as a feed additive according to claim 1, and as the nutrient medium - zernosmes and beet molasses, wherein the pre-starter feed additive is prepared in milk by mixing 60 liters of milk and 20 liters of the feed additive and shutter 48 hours, then added to 80 kg of leaven shredded h1. Кормовая добавка для сельскохозяйственных животных, содержащая маточную культуру бактерий, питательную среду и воду, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве маточной культуры бактерий используют предварительно приготовленный раствор препарата «ЭМ-Курунга», а в качестве питательной среды - мальтозную патоку при следующем соотношении компонентов, масс.%:раствор препарата «ЭМ-Курунга» - 18-22 мальтозная патока - 4-6