By the present invention "The Check Basin Former" the bunds are formed with the Main frame consisting of two boards set on edge and cross braced, with a wide opening at the front and a narrow at the rear. The boards act as blades for cutting into the soil and blending it into a ridge or bund. A typical main frame suitable for drawing by tractor has blades that are 3 mm long. The invention is attached to a Tractor with the aid of a three point linkage. As the apparatus is pulled by the tractor it starts creating bund to the left and right side of the pulling vehicle by digging into the soil. After pulling the vehicle at a certain distance by the use of the hydraulic system attached with a tension spring, the apparatus can be used to create the horizontal bund in between the two parallel bunds. The same can be done by operating the hydraulic cylinder controlled by spring tension which brings it back to previous position and back after certain distance thus creating a cycle of sorts for forming horizontal bunds at specified distances.The present invention thus gives a cost effective and easy option against the other automated bund forming machines by forming a horizontal bund in addition to the two parallel bunds.