1. A process for preparing the gelled composition, the method comprising the steps of: heating the aqueous composition containing the effervescent tablet and the water in the vessel, wherein the effervescent tablet comprises at least 200 mg of gelatin, and an effervescent couple containing acid, and base, wherein the tablet is at least partially dissolved during heating iohlazhdayut said aqueous composition for a period sufficient to ensure that the frozen aqueous composition formed gel.2. The method of claim 1, wherein the heating comprises heating the aqueous composition to the aqueous composition microwave pechi.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the cooling takes place in an environment having a temperature of not more than 8 ° C.4. A method according to claim 1, wherein the composition forms a solidified gel in less than two hours under cooling at a temperature of from about 0 ° C to about 8 ° C.5. The method of claim 1 wherein combining the water and the effervescent tablet comprises occupancy from about 1 ounce to about 3 ounces of water sosude.6. A method according to claim 1, wherein the effervescent tablet comprises at least about 400 mg zhelatina.7. A method according to claim 1, wherein the effervescent tablet comprises at least about 1000 mg zhelatina.8. A method according to claim 1, further comprising the steps of: placing an effervescent tablet in the container placed from about 1 ounce to about 3 ounces of tap water in a vessel idobavlyayut of from about 1 ounce to about 3 ounces of cold water having a temperature of not more than about 25 ° C, the heated aqueous composition, wherein the cooling step comprises placing an aqueous composition in the aqueous composition x1. Способ получения желатинизированной композиции, при этом способ включает стадии, на которых:нагревают водную композицию, содержащую шипучую таблетку и воду, в сосуде, при этом шипучая таблетка содержит, по меньшей мере, 200 мг желатина, и шипучую пару, содержащую кислоту и ос