the subject of the invention is eukariotyczny expressive vector pcdna3 - ang - 1 model - general 1, in which the plasmid pcdna3, drunk is a fragment of the cdna for angiopoetyny - 1, with koduj\u0105c\u0105 sequence for this gene, with kodonem atg, forming the signal to begin the process of replication and k odonem tga that signal its end.based on the sequence deposited in the bank of genes under number nm _ 001146, moreover is limited additional sequences for nhei restrictive enzymes and mlui. the plasmid pcdna3, is built with 5446 nucleotide sequence and fragment cdna for angiopoetyny - 1, contained in the sense orientation relative to the cmv promoter.the subject of the invention is also a way of eukariotycznego vector ekspresyjnego pcdna3 - ang - l, which is that it is the library cdna using oligo (dt) primers on a matrix of total rna isolated from niedotlenionej human heart muscle the second stage, amplifikuje on matrix gene cdna sequence for angiopoetyny - 1, the method of polymerase chain reaction (pcr), using two unique primers, starter forward, containing the sequence nukleotydow\u0105, examined by restrictive enzyme nhei and starter rever se, containing the sequence nukleotydow\u0105, examined by restrictive enzyme mlui.amplification product embodied in the vessel to a plasmid vector psc - b - amp \/ kan (stratagene) using topoisomerase and dna obtained construct is introduced into competent bacteria escherichia coli, the dna fragment corresponding to the ang - 1, is introduced into the vector ekspresyjnego pcdna3, answering edna place stringent plasmid pcdna3.the invention concerns also apply eukariotycznego vector ekspresyjnego pcdna3 - ang - 1, for the manufacture of drug therapy for patients with critical limb ischemia intramuscular lower and patients with difficult - goj\u0105cymis wounds.Przedmiotem wynalazku jest eukariotyczny wektor ekspresyjny pcDNA3-ANG-1 o wzorze- ogólnym 1, w którym, do plazmidu pcDNA3, wstawiony jest fragment cDNA dl