FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: method involves at least the following stages: beet roots washing, heating, partial expression for production of, on the one side, a squeezed presscake containing more than 20% of sugar in terms of dry substances and, on the other side, of beet root juice with dry substances concentration more than 15%, separation of the squeezed presscake and beet root juice, beet root juice filtration by way of centrifugation for production of, on the one side, a filter-press cake and, on the other side, of filtered beet root juice, filter-press cake mixing with squeezed presscake and/or mixing a small quantity of flocculant (nearly 1%) with beet root juice or filtered beet root juice, the said mixture membrane filtration for production of a retentate and a filtrate where the said filtrate is represented by filtered beet root juice with purity no less than 93%, retentate mixing with squeezed presscake. The produced mixture of squeezed presscake with filter-press cake and/or retentate is subjected to ensilage without additional/mechanical compaction in a silo storage for storing; additionally, the said mixture drying is envisaged. Due to the beet roots processing method one may produce animals fodder products based on a mixture of squeezed presscake with filter-press cake and/or retentate, based on filtered beet root juice syrup with dry substances content equal to more than 60%. By the said method one may produce a nutritional fermentative medium based on beet root juice, filtered beet root juice with purity equal to nearly 90% and higher, filtered beet root juice syrup with dry substances content equal to more than 60% or a mixture of squeezed presscake with filter-press cake and/or retentate produced by the above method. Additionally the method allows to produce edible sugar produced by crystallisation of filtered beet root juice syrup with purity equal to 93%.EFFECT: invention ensures beet root processing simplification and acceleration as well a