Claim 1: a compound of the formula (1) where r u00b9 is Hydrogen, halogen or Methyl; R u00b2 is Hydrogen, halogen or Methyl; r u00b3 is Hydrogen, halogen or Methyl; r u2074 is Hydrogen, halogen or Methyl; r u2075 is a Aromatic heterocycle containing a Straight Member 5 An Atom is selected,O and S, and which has two or more substituents are selected independently of other c u2081 u208b u2084 Ciano, halogen, alkyl, alkoxy haloalquilo c u2081 u208b u2084, c u2081 u208b u2084, haloalcoxi c u2081 u208b u2084, alkyl c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfanilo, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 sulfanilo c u2081 u208b u2084 -, alkyl - sulfinilo, haloal Quil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfinilo, alkyl sulfonyl c u2081 u208b u2084 -,Haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfonyl and c u2083 u208b u2086 cycloalkyl or Heterocyclic Aromatic; r u2075 is a 5 Member containing two or three heteroatoms are selected irrespective of N, o and S and has one or more substituents are selected independently of other Halogen, C u2081 u208b u2084 haloalquilo c u2081 u208b u2084 Ciano, alkyl, alkoxy, c u2081 u208b u2084, haloalcoxi c u2081 u208b u2084, alkyl c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfanilo, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfanilo,Alkyl c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfinilo, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfinilo, c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfonyl alkyl and cycloalkyl, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfonyl c u2083 u208b u2086; or r u2075 6-membered Aromatic heterocycle is an optionally substituted containing two or three nitrogen Atoms and the replacement Yente is optional, which can be 1 to 3, independently of the other, c u2081 u208b u2084 Ciano, halogen, alkyl, alkoxy haloalquilo c u2081 u208b u2084, c u2081 u208b u2084,Haloalcoxi c u2081 u208b u2084, alkyl c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfanilo, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 sulfanilo c u2081 u208b u2084 -, alkyl - sulfinilo, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfinilo, c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfonyl alkyl and cycloalkyl, haloalquil c u2081 u208b u2084 - sulfonyl c u2