The invention relates to a light plough which may plough to the right side or to the left side, with a single row of active organs named plough-bodies, but without digger plough and socket rod, meant for the ploughing in the large area crops, the plough having a profitability ranging between 135...140%. According to the invention, the plough comprises an oscillating beam (2.0) wherein there are mounted four supports (2.6) which are fixed with some resistant bolts (2.7) at the lower side of the supports (2.6) there are mounted the curved arms (3.1) of the plough-bodies (3.0), it has a share with two leading tips and a stilt (3.2) with two lateral cutters, of which one is active, the furrow being turned by two rows of rotary hoes (4.2) fixed into some supports (4.4) with the four screws of the support (2.6), one of the two rows of hoes (4.2) is active and it is actuated from a power take off, the plough is operated by a force transmission system with cardanic axle, a pinions box and couplings which drive the long axle (4.1) fastened on the beam (2.0) and by a hydraulic system endowed with a distribution box which controls, in turn, the force cylinders for modifying the position.Invenţia se referă la un plug uşor, care poate ara pe dreapta sau pe stânga, cu un singur rând de organe active, numite trupiţe, dar fără cormană şi plaz, destinat arăturii în cultura mare, plugul având o rentabilitate cuprinsă între 135 şi 140%. Plugul conform invenţiei este constituit dintr-o grindă (2.0) oscilantă, în care sunt montate patru suporturi (2.6), care sunt fixate cu nişte bolţuri (2.7) rezistente în partea inferioară a suporturilor (2.6), sunt montate braţele (3.1) curbate ale trupiţelor (3.0), plugul are un brăzdar cu două vârfuri de atac şi o bârsă (3.2) cu două cuţite laterale, dintre care unul activ, brazda fiind întoarsă de două rânduri de sape (4.2) rotative, fixate în nişte suporturi (4.4), cu cele patru şuruburi ale suportului (2.6), unul dintre cele două rânduri de s