The invention relates to a chamber for drying and dehydrating vegetable products such as vegetables, fruit or plants, animal products such as meat, cheese, chemical and pharmaceutical products. According to the invention, the chamber consists of an enclosure () having the walls thermally insulated as against the outside, divided into more compartments (), namely the central, technological, lower and upper compartment, respectively, in the central compartment () there being located some heating bodies () and a fan (), on the side walls of the enclosure () there being arranged two technological compartments () provided with some staged frames () on which there are located with vertical offset some grate shuttles () with products, which are washed with hot air flow directed by some deflectors () and handled by a fan () located in the lower compartment (), in the upper compartment () there being arranged some frames () with flaps, and on the outer frontal wall there being located some thermally insulated independent side doors ().Invenţia se referă la o cameră pentru uscarea şi deshidratarea produselor vegetale cum ar fi legume, fructe sau plante, a produselor animale cum ar fi carne sau brânză, a produselor chimice şi farmaceutice. Camera conform invenţiei este alcătuită dintr-o incintă () având pereţii izolaţi termic faţă de exterior, împărţită în mai multe compartimente (), central, tehnologic, inferior şi, respectiv, superior, în compartimentul () central fiind amplasate nişte corpuri () de încălzire şi un ventilator (), pe pereţii laterali ai incintei () fiind dispuse două compartimente () tehnologice prevăzute cu nişte rame () etajate, pe care sunt depuse, cu decalare pe verticală, nişte navete () grătar cu produse, care sunt spălate cu flux de aer cald, dirijat de nişte deflectoare () şi vehiculat de un ventilator () amplasat în compartimentul () inferior, în compartimentul () superior fiind dispuse nişte rame () cu clapete, iar pe peretele exterior frontal