1.Ustroystvo disinfection toothbrush characterized by performing in the vessel of a chemically resistant material that is open at one end, adapted to accommodate therein the toothbrush and filling the disinfecting liquid, wherein the container body is provided with a scale for monitoring filling disinfecting liquid, wherein the applied level disinfectant fluid in the container is made in excess of the working part of the toothbrush height wherein the housing is provided with at least one detent to allow attachment to the carrier poverhnosti.2. Device for disinfecting toothbrush according to claim 1, characterized in that the disinfecting liquid can be formed from a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with water at ratios of ingredients: hydrogen peroxide - 3% water - ostalnoe.3. Device for disinfecting toothbrush according to claim 1, characterized in that the disinfecting liquid can be formed from a mixture of alcohol and water, at a weight component of the alcohol from 40% to 80% water - ostalnoe.4. Device for disinfecting toothbrush according to claim 1, characterized in that the disinfecting liquid can be made of drugs on alcohol basis, with a mass of alcohol component in the mixture of from 40% to 80% water - ostalnoe.5. Device for disinfecting toothbrush according to claim 1, characterized in that the disinfecting liquid can be formed from a mixture of salts with water at ratios of ingredients at a weight component of the salt from 10 to 30% water - ostalnoe.6. Device for disinfecting toothbrush according to claim 1, characterized in that the disinfecting liquid can be formed from a mixture of ash with water, soda mass component from 10 to 30% water - wasps1.Устройство для дезинфекции зубной щетки, характеризующееся выполнением в емкости из химически стойкого материала, открытой с одного конца, выполненной с возможностью размещения в ней зубной щетки и заполнения дезинфицирующей жидкостью, при этом корпус емкости снабжен шкалой для контроля заполнения дезинфицирующей