A method for quantitative flow analysis of a fluid flowing in a conduit from a sequence of consecutive image frames of such a conduit, where such image frames are timely separated by a certain time interval, the method comprising:a) selecting a start image frame and an end image frame from the sequence either automatically or upon user inputb) determining a centerline of the conduit in the start image framec) determining a centerline of the conduit in the end image framed) selecting a common start point on the centerline of the start image frame and on the centerline of the end image frame either automatically or upon user inpute) selecting an end point on the centerline of the start image framef) selecting an end point on the centerline of the end image frameg) calculating centerline distance between the start point and the end point of the start image frameh) calculating centerline distance between the start point and the end point of the end image frame andi) calculating a local flow velocity as a function of the centerline distances of g) andh) and a time interval between the start image frame and the end image frame.A corresponding imaging device and computer program are also disclosed.