A drug is provided with an emulsifier and additive free fatty compound and steroids. The drug can decrease adverse effects caused by steroids. The fatty compound has a core structure similar to stratum corneum. The drug can protect stratum corneum and provide sufficient moisture to the skin as well as can heal wound or function as a skin care ointment.一種以生理脂肪為基劑的類固醇藥膏,該藥膏包含有基劑,以及與基劑混合且具有療效的類固醇;其中,基劑係為不含乳化劑,可用於減緩類固醇對人體帶來的副作用的生理脂肪;其中,該生理脂肪係仿效皮膚角質層脂肪的成份及結構所形成,而且其不含乳化劑也不含對人體有害的添加物,並且與皮膚的構造極為接近,所以對於皮膚的角質層修護效果較佳,而且可以添加具有較佳保濕成分,因此透過生理脂肪的保濕和角質層修護的作用,可以確實減少和預防使用類固醇而產生破壞皮膚的副作用,且有確實保護皮膚的功效。無。