the subject invention devices are presented, the methods and system, which is a new way for nemote\u010dega sensing physiological parameters in opazovan\u010devih obuvalih and with this new way of establishing parameters of functional health. the invention is based on a set of sensors which are installed in the upper part of the shoe or boot.when measurements are made on opazovanec, automatic and unobtrusive way of walking as stationary. sensor for measuring the pressure distribution of the feet, presvetljenega aliodbojnega fotopletizmografskega signal and temperature opazovan\u010devih toes and accelerations of leg movements, such as walking.the invention also includes processes, which is calculated from the measured data, the parameters of which are on the functional health opazovanca. essential are the heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, temperature and stabilogram accelerations, and physical fitness, and \/ or indicator in opazovancu gait patterns.all measured values are time synchronised nastrojnem level and packages are sent from the computer system boots in which retain the information record of events and allows access to the computer network, so far, to the stored data. communication links allow the integration of additional external sensory devices in the system of the invention.Predmet predstavljenega izuma so naprave, postopki in sistem, s katerim je omogočen nov način nemotečega zaznavanja fizioloških parametrov v opazovančevih obuvalih in s tem nov način ugotavljanja parametrov funkcionalnega zdravja. Izum temelji na sklopu senzorjev, ki so vgrajeni v podplate in zgornji del obuval. Ko je opazovanec obut, se meritve opravljajo samodejno in nemoteče tako med hojo kot v mirovanju. Senzorske komponente so namenjene merjenju porazdelitve pritiskov na podplate, presvetljenega aliodbojnega fotopletizmografskega signala in temperature opazovančevih nožnih prstov ter pospeškov pri gibanju nog, na primer hoji. Izum vsebuje tudi postopke, s kate