PURPOSE: A new strain of pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae DDL01 and a cultivation method thereof are provided to offer pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae having an excellent taste and short cultivation period. CONSTITUTION: A cultivation method of a new strain of pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae comprises the following steps: mixing sawdust and rice bran to obtain a culture medium; high pressure sterilizing the medium at 120deg C for 60minutes; injecting spawns to the medium, and firstly cultivating for 17~20days at 17~19deg C; secondly cultivating the spawns for 8~10days at 22~24deg C; scraping the cultivated spawns, and pinhead forming the spawns for 3~5days at 14~15deg C in a humidity of 90~95%; secondly pinhead forming the spawns for 3~5days in a humidity of 70~80%; and growing young mushrooms obtained from a pinhead forming process at 11~14deg C.본 발명은 신균주 아위느타리버섯(Pleurotuseryngii var. ferulae) DDL01(KACC93085P), 그 자실체 및 그 재배방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 DDL01 균주는 기존의 아위느타리버섯과는 형태 및 생리적 특성이 상이한 신균주로서, 그 육질과 맛, 향이 우수하고 상품성이 뛰어나며, 병재배가 가능하다.