The present invention provides a planting container capable of sufficiently and stably supply planting water to a rhizosphere where roots of a plant grow, securing as large a space as possible for the rhizosphere, and further accelerating the growth of the stem or leaves of the plant. The planting container comprises a planting container body 1 including a planting space 2 having an opening at a front portion thereof to allow a plant to grow, a reservoir 8 for planting water that is provided in a lower part of the planting space 2, and a water-absorbing planting bed placed within the planting space 2 with a bottom portion thereof being positioned in the reservoir 8 for absorbing planting water retained in the reservoir 8 to cultivate the plant, wherein the container further comprises a receiving surface 10 for receiving the planting bed within the planting space 2 formed as an inclined surface that is raised progressively toward the opening and is lowered progressively away from the opening.本發明提供一種能夠使植栽用水以穩定狀態充分供應至植物的根生長延伸成為的根圈,儘可能確保有較大的植物根圈,再加上能夠促進植物的莖或葉成長的植栽容器。該植栽容器,其植栽用的容器本體(1),具備:前面具有開口部可讓植物伸出的植栽用空間(2);及形成在植栽用空間(2)下部的植栽用水用的儲水部(8),其吸水性的植栽床材是成為其下部位於儲水部(8)內載置在植栽用空間(2)內的狀態,構成為利用植栽床材一邊吸取儲水部(8)內的植栽用水一邊栽種植物,其特徵為,植栽用空間(2)內載置植栽床材的載置面(10),形成為愈接近開口部側則位於上方且愈遠離開口部的一側則位於下方的傾斜面。