A method of obtaining oil from mirabelle plum, characterised in that the pits are dried in sunlight or in a flow of air at 20 to 35°C until kernel humidity of up to 7% is obtained. Subsequently, the dried pits are preferably subjected to crushing and flaking, after which they are pressed on a screw press while the temperature of the oil obtained should not exceed 40°C. The oil obtained is directed to a settling tank for 24 to 48 h under a nitrogen cushion, and the obtained first-pressed oil is filtered or centrifuged.In another variant of the invention, the pits are subjected to microwave treatment at 2200 - 2500 MHz for 1 to 15 minutes, obtaining pit temperature of 100 - 140°C, until humidity of 1.0 - 2.5% is obtained. Then the pits are allowed to cool to room temperature, after which kernels are separated from the pits and preferably subjected to crushing and flaking. Then they are pressed on a screw press while the temperature of the oil obtained should not exceed 40°C.In another variant of the invention, the pits are subjected to heating for 20 - 60 minutes at 80°C, to humidity of 6% - 3.5%, and then the pits are allowed to cool to room temperature. Then they are pressed on a screw press while the temperature of the oil obtained should not exceed 40°C, and the oil obtained is directed to a settling tank for 24 to 48 h under a nitrogen cushion, and then the obtained first-pressed oil is filtered or centrifuged.In another variant of the invention, the pits are dried to a water content of not more than 5%, preferably by microwave treatment, after which the pits are crushed to particles of grain size of 1 - 4 mm and the extraction process is conducted at 18 - 25°C with liquid hexane in a known manner.