A composition for mosquito-preventive microcapsule material comprises: ingredients for forming microcapsules a hydrophilic solvent polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate-based compound and a mosquito- essential oil ingredient, wherein the ingredients for forming microcapsules comprise chitosan, alginate, 1 wt% to 2 wt% of hyaluronic acid and solidifying agent. The mosquito-preventive essential oil ingredient comprises a main essential oil and a minor essential oil. The main essential oil is selected from peppermint essential oil or eucalyptus essential oil, and the minor essential oil comprises citronella essential oil, lemon essential oil and andiroba oil. This invention uses the design of ingredients for forming microcapsules to provide long-lasting mosquito-preventive capability to the mosquito-preventive microcapsule material, and to improve moisture retention of skin while having the structure stability.一種防蚊微膠囊材用組成物,包含:形成微膠囊用組份;親水性溶劑;聚氧乙烯山梨糖醇酐單油酸酯系化合物;及防蚊精油組份。其中,該形成微膠囊用組份包括幾丁聚醣、海藻酸鹽、1wt%至2wt%的玻尿酸及固化劑;該防蚊精油組份包括主劑精油及副劑精油,該主劑精油是擇自於薄荷精油或尤加利精油,且該副劑精油包括香茅精油、檸檬精油及酸喳樹油。本發明透過形成微膠囊用組份的設計,可使得所形成的防蚊微膠囊材具有長效防蚊性及改善肌膚的保濕性,同時具有結構穩定性。