Loose coloured aggregates comprise hard mineral aggregates the particles of which are coated with a mixture of a drying oil, a drier and colouring material. Aggregates specified are granite, limestone, marble, slate, gravel, felsite, pumice, shale, sandstone and pudding stone. Drying oils specified are raw or boiled linseed oil and hempseed oil. Driers specified are terebine, manganese dioxide, red lead, lead acetate, litharge, Paris white and white lead. Other ingredients may be added, e.g. petrol as a volatile diluent, alum to enhance the colour effect, a non-drying oil if complete drying is not desired and cork to produce resiliency in the bound product. The Provisional Specification refers to coloured lawn sand containing ammonium sulphate, sulphate of iron, potash and carbonate of lime.ALSO:Loose coloured aggregates comprise hard mineral aggregates the particles of which are coated with a mixture of a drying oil, a drier and colouring material. The coloured aggregate may be used loose as a surfacing material, e.g. for stucco work, or as coloured sand or it may be mixed with fertilizers, weedkillers &c. to produce a lawn sand. The coloured aggregate may also be bound by a similar mixture of drying oil, drier and colouring material to which has been added a resinous material, e.g. rosin. Aggregates specified are granite, limestone, marble, slate, gravel, felsite, pumice, shale, sandstone and pudding stone. Drying oils specified are raw or boiled linseed oil and hempseed oil. Driers specified are terebine, manganese dioxide, red lead, lead acetate, litharge, Paris white and white lead. Other ingredients may be added, e.g. petrol as a volatile diluent, alum to enhance the colour effect, a non-drying oil if complete drying is not desired and cork to produce resiliency in the bound product. According to the Provisional Specification the aggregates need not be precoloured before being mixed with the coloured binder and the aggregate may consist wholly of a powdered mineral so that a product resembling coloured asphalt is produced. The Provisional Specification also refers to coloured lawn sand containing ammonium sulphate, sulphate of iron, potash and carbonate of lime.ALSO:Loose coloured aggregates comprising hard mineral aggregates the particles of which are coated with a mixture of a drying oil, a drier, and colouring material may be mixed with fertilizers, weed-killers, &c. to produce a lawn sand. Aggregates specified are granite, limestone, marble, slate, gravel, felsite, pumice, shale, sandstone and pudding stone. Drying oils specified are raw or boiled linseed oil and hempseed oil. Driers specified are terebine, manganese dioxide, red lead, lead acetate, litharge, Paris white and white lead. Other ingredients may be added, e.g. petrol as a volatile diluent, alum to enhance the colour effect, a non-drying oil if complete drying is not desired. The Provisional Specification refers to coloured lawn sand containing ammonium sulphate, sulphate of iron, potash and carbonate of lime.