<; p >; a line Tensioner comprising a Bottom frame and UpperThe first set of pulleys and superior way to rotate the Upper and Lower frames of respective Way where the Upper and Lower First ploeas are Powered by Engine Tensioner Line willing to operate in an open and closed position where the Pulleys in the closed position. Simple Upper and Lower are aligned vertically and arranged to rotate in both directions OPUThese stress and to maintain a line where the Open position the Upper Pulley is shifted Upward and axially relative to the lower Pulley Tensioner comprises a Middle line of Action ready to move reversibly on the top Frame Vo to the lower frame to change between the closed position and the Open position of the line tensor. <; / p >;<; p >; & nbsp; <; / p >;TENSOR DE LÍNEA PARA MONTAR EN UNA EMBARCACIÓN QUE COMPRENDE UN MARCO INFERIOR; UN MARCO SUPERIOR; UNA PRIMERA POLEA INFERIOR Y SUPERIOR FIJADAS ROTATORIAMENTE AL MARCO INFERIOR Y SUPERIOR; MEDIOS DE ACTUACIÓN PARA DESPLAZAR REVERSIBLEMENTE EL MARCO SUPERIOR RELATIVO AL MARCO INFERIOR PARA CAMBIAR ENTRE UNA POSICIÓN CERRADA Y ABIERTA EL TENSOR DE LÍNEA; Y UNA GUÍA DE LÍNEA.