A new formulation of iron oxide nanoparticles capped with a mixture of multivitamins such as folic acid, nicotinic acid (vitamin B9) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for the rapid and efficient treatment of fatal iron deficiency anemia Developed. A small single dose of iron oxide-multivitamin nanocomposite as low as 25 mg elemental iron per dose increases hemoglobin levels from 4.4 g / dl to 14.6 g / dl within only 4 days after administration It was enough. The multivitamin used in this nanocomposite significantly enhanced iron absorption and increased hemoglobin concentration. Two dosage forms of iron nanocomposites have been developed: gel capsules for oral administration and aqueous solutions. According to animal preliminary studies, administration of a single dose of iron oxide-vitamin nanocomposite containing 2.57 mg / kg rat body weight (corresponding to 25 mg in humans) of iron is hemoglobin via oral administration. It is clear that the level is sufficient to correct the anemia. Toxicity studies reveal that the LD50 of our new iron nanocomposite is 1425.3 mg / kg rat body weight, which is nano-scaled in a standard human (60 kg body weight). It means that the LD50 of the size iron nanocomposite is 13854 mg. Thus, the single dose required for rapid treatment of iron deficiency anemia is 1/554 of LD50 in humans. No toxicity was seen in hematology, biochemistry or histopathology studies. Furthermore, bone marrow histopathology studies suggest that the iron oxide-vitamin nanocomposite used increases the number of RBC precursors that stimulate the bone marrow to produce more RBCs.致死的な鉄欠乏性貧血の迅速かつ効率的な治療のため、葉酸、ニコチン酸(ビタミンB9)及びアスコルビン酸(ビタミンC)等のマルチビタミンの混合物でキャップされた酸化鉄ナノ粒子の新たな製剤を開発した。1投与量当たり25mg鉄元素という低量の酸化鉄-マルチビタミンナノ複合材料の少量単回用量が、投与後わずか4日以内にヘモグロビンレベルを4.4g/dlから14.6g/dlまで増加させるのに十分であった。このナノ複合材料に使用されるマルチビタミンは、鉄吸収を顕著に増強し、ヘモグロビンの濃度を上昇させた。鉄ナノ複合材料の2つの剤形、すなわち経口投与用のゲルカプセル及び水溶液を開発した。動物予備研究によれば、ラット体重1kg当たり2.57mg(ヒトでは25mgに相当)の鉄元素を含有する酸化鉄-ビタミンナノ複合材料の単回用量を投与することは、経口投与を介してヘモグロビンレベルを補正し、貧血を治癒する