To provide a hand gesture function improvement aid that can be easily used by a person himself / herself.SOLUTION: The finger movement function improving aid 1 is composed of four substantially tubular bodies composed of a material having elasticity and stretchability and is integrated as a whole. The thickness of the hollow portion of each of the tubular bodies 2 a, 2 b, 2 c, and 2 d is such that two fingers can be put in and taken out, and the length is such that a fingertip slightly comes out inserting the finger deeply. When using, put the finger of the hand with slow movement into each tubular body, then put the fingers of the hands of healthy persons back so that their fingers are back to back, and so that the nails are back to back . You can move your fingers by moving little by little in the direction of grasping the hand of a healthy person.(FIG. 1).【課題】 本人が自分で手軽に利用できる手指運動機能改善補助具を提供する。【解決手段】 手指運動機能改善補助具1は、弾力性・伸縮性のある材料で構成された略筒状体が4個連接され、全体として一体化している。各筒状体2a,2b,2c,2dの空洞部の太さは、指2本が出し入れ可能な程度であり、その長さは、指を奥まで入れて指先が少し出る程度である。使う時は、動きの鈍いほうの手の指を各筒状体に入れ、次に健常な方の手の指を指同士が背中合わせになるように、かつ、爪同士が背中合わせになるように入れる。健常な方の手を握る方向に少しずつ動かすことで手指を運動させることができる。【選択図】図1