Named for its graceful, semi-weeping habit and persistant coral-orange fruit, Malus cultivar 'Coral Cascade' offers a unique fall display among crabapple cultivars with a weeping habit. The abundant load of large pea-sized ornamental fruit causes its slender horizontal branches to droop in a cascade of reddish-orange color. Its annual fruit production results in a permanent downward arching of the branches as the plant ages. This crabapples small stature (15' tallx20' wide in 30 years) makes it desirable for use in prominant landscape locations, elevated planters, and beneath power lines. The spring flower display starts with pinkish-red buds on pendulous pedicels of about 1.5'' (4 cm) in length. The abundant flowers open white with the abaxial edges of the petals remaining pink. 'Coral Cascade' has an established record of disease resistance. Its thick, green leaves retain their high quality until fall frosts transform them to golden hues of yellow, orange and tan.