An apparatus is disclosed for heating and drying stone aggregate useful in the production of asphalt, and which also has the ability to incinerate contaminated soil. The apparatus includes a rotary drum dryer for heating and drying the aggregate, and a rotary incinerator for incinerating the soil. The discharge ends of the rotary dryer and incinerator are positioned so as to oppose each other, and a breeching is provided for enclosing and interconnecting the two ends. The breeching includes a diverter gate, so that the incinerated soil may be either added to the heated and dried aggregate, or directed to a separate external stockpile. The incinerator has a refractory lined interior having a plurality of air inlet tuyeres which are spaced along its axial length so as to provide for the staged combustion of the volatilized contaminants in the soil, to thereby result in low NOx emissions.