ХИТОН Кейт Патрик (GB),РОБИНСОН Тимоти Марк (GB),ЛОК Кристофер Брайан (GB)
1. A system for applying reduced pressure to tissue, comprising a reduced pressure supply tube with gaps having a proximal end and a distal end, a main lumen passing through a conduit from a proximal to a distal end, and a secondary lumen passing through a conduit from a proximal to a distal end, vacuum a pump connected to the proximal end of the main lumen, a reduced pressure adapter, connected to the distal end of the reduced pressure supply tube and having grooves for removing fluid from the auxiliary channels and introducing it into the main lumen. 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the reduced pressure adapter comprises a pipeline body with a recessed region restricting the inlet surface, a main pipe passing through the pipe body and flowing in communication with the main clearance and with the main channel on the input surface, an auxiliary pipe passing through the pipe body and flowing in communication with the auxiliary lumen and the auxiliary channel on the input surface, and grooves for removing fluid from the auxiliary channel and introducing e located in the main channel on the upstream poverhnosti.3. The system of claim 2, further comprising a base attached to the pipe body. 4. The system according to claim 3, in which the pipeline body is rotatably relative to the base. The system according to claim 3, in which the pipeline body is rotatably relative to the base, and the auxiliary channel is located essentially flush with the base. The system according to claim 2, additionally with�1. Система для приложения пониженного давления к ткани, содержащаятрубку подачи пониженного давления с просветами, имеющую проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, основной просвет, проходящий через трубопровод от проксимального к дистальному концу, и вспомогательный просвет, проходящий через трубопровод от проксимального к дистальному концу,вакуум-насос, присоединенный к проксимальному концу основного просвета, иадаптер пониженного давления, присоединенный к дистальному концу